Zhibek Aidymbekova

- Higher School of Law “Adilet”. Faculty: Jurisprudence
- Dzhambul Pedagogical Institute. Faculty: English and German languages.
- English, Kazakh, Russian.
Specializes in mergers and acquisitions and antitrust regulation, primarily in the field of subsoil use.
Zhibek has extensive experience in supporting transactions for the acquisition of various assets and shares (shares) in companies, as well as in conducting legal reviews in various sectors of the economy, including the oil and gas and mining industries, and energy. She has also repeatedly participated in legal support of transactions related to the construction and supply of equipment, including for the creation and reconstruction of industrial facilities in various industries, such as electricity production, mining and processing of minerals.
- Leading gold mining company in Kazakhstan – conducting due diligence before a potential acquisition, legal analysis of documents relating to subsoil use rights and subsoil use operations;
- Oil company from the UK – due diligence of the Kazakhstan branch, legal analysis of documents relating to the right to subsoil use and subsoil use operations;
- Canadian uranium mining company – consulting on various aspects of Kazakhstan’s legislation on subsoil and subsoil use, including rules for the procurement of goods, works, services by subsoil users, obtaining licenses and permits necessary for expanding production;
- Canadian mining company – advising on the legal aspects of a share issue, including an in-depth analysis of the need to obtain regulatory approval for the disposal of strategic assets for such an issue .